
Hi, I'm Riam. I'm 8 years old. I school in SPH. I live in sentul.

Myspace Rolling from 123mycodes.com

A visitor map click to zoom

You've been marked on my visitor map!

Senin, 09 Juni 2008

The Future school

Create Your Custom Message

It uses a machine that transfers knowleadge to your brain and only for one hour.
you pay online


The type is barred eagle owl it is from Indonesia.
Many owls feed mainly on furry animals such as mice, rats, moles, squirrels, rabbits, and even skunks. They often swallow the smaller animals whole.

Owls also eat insects, worms, spiders, frogs, lizards, and small birds. Owls can kill animals as large as they are or even larger.

Senin, 12 Mei 2008

Jordaan Fell In

Did you know what happened today?
6th may at 8:50 am. Jordaan our track editor fell into the SPH swimming pool. He was near it then he slipped and fell in! He was slightly crestfallen because he has to wear pak Lili’s clothes. Actually he was only washing his feet beacause of the physical exam. When he fell down he was shocked he fell into the superfluous deep point. but he didn’t fall until the bottom. He went to the laundry near the swimming pool they ironed his clothes dry.

Rabu, 07 Mei 2008

Thing 10


Thing 9


Thing 8

Ride a 2-wheeled bike

Thing 7


Thing 6


Thing 5


Thing 4


Thing 3

Eat by yourself

Senin, 05 Mei 2008

Senin, 28 April 2008

My Baby Owl

I found the type of the owl it is Brown Eagle Owl it eats

Many owls feed mainly on furry animals such as mice, rats, moles, squirrels, rabbits, and even skunks. They often swallow the smaller animals whole.

Owls also eat insects, worms, spiders, frogs, lizards, and small birds. Owls can kill animals as large as they are or even larger.

Track Editor

I got the job of track editor

Rabu, 23 April 2008

Senin, 21 April 2008

JPEG Interview Clothes

SHIRT:I chose this one because I have this at home.(only the shirt)

PANTS:I chose this on because of the same thing

TIE:I chose it because this is my dads smallest one.(the pattern is different)

Briefcase: This is my dads only one

Senin, 14 April 2008

JACK my Character

My Character is the boy on the Peterenodon.

I am JACK. My characer is from the series of The Magic Tree House.
I have travelled around the WORLD.

Rabu, 26 Maret 2008

Rabu, 19 Maret 2008


Sekelompok orang yang bekerja sama. Juga orang yang merancang uang, Orang yang
suka mengatur,group yang suka bekerja sama, sama dengan orang yang suka menghasilkan produk, dan membuat aktivitas.

Ini yang dari WIKIPEDIA

Organisasi (Yunani: ὄργανον, organon - alat) adalah suatu kelompok orang yang memiliki tujuan yang sama. Baik dalam penggunaan sehari-hari maupun ilmiah, istilah ini digunakan dengan banyak cara.

Dalam ilmu-ilmu sosial, organisasi dipelajari oleh periset dari berbagai bidang ilmu, terutama sosiologi, ekonomi, ilmu politik, psikologi, dan manajemen. Kajian mengenai organisasi sering disebut studi organisasi (organizational studies), perilaku organisasi (organizational behaviour), atau analisa organisasi (organization analysis). Terdapat beberapa teori dan perspektif mengenai organisasi, ada yang cocok sama satu sama lain, dan ada pula yang berbeda.

Senin, 17 Maret 2008

JPEG Job Application

My 1st choice is TRACK EDITOR because I have access to a MacBook PRO Leopard and I have used everything in Garage Band (to see the sample go here) and I am fast in computers, the prove is here in my Certificate.

My 2nd choice is MARKETING WORKER because I'm good in making blogs & I have a Certificate on blogging.

Rabu, 12 Maret 2008


The English Reflection

I learned about how to present a joke and how to write a summary.

We decided on a joke then presented it as a podcast and we made an FF chapter summary my one is chapter 17.

I was being knowledgeable because I made my chapter summary complete and I decided on a funny joke.

Minggu, 09 Maret 2008

Say What Reflection

People use communication tools and systems to help express themselves in different ways.

In this unit we learned about: communication tools PowerPoint, we made a survey, we learned about radio stations and we made a radio, we watched a PodCast about it, graph about the survey, a blog, read e-books, e-comics, we learned about internet safety, we played games, we learned how to put pictures on the blog & we learned how to screen capture. There were so many activities.

My two favourite things were: making blogs and making graphs. On the blog we put school work and widgets (widgets are like clocks and calendars) and even we put some homework. Our last homework was why is clipper ships called a clipper ship? We also played an online spelling bee. In graphs we made pie graphs and pictographs we made two one for practice and one for the survey.

My PYP attitude for the blog is enthusiasm because I enjoyed it by making the homework.

My PYP attitude for the graph is knowledgeable because I already put it on the blog and had to know how to do that.

Sabtu, 08 Maret 2008

My Dog Istopmotion Video

I made it myself if you don't believe me just ask Mrs. Jane.

Rabu, 05 Maret 2008

A Quiz


I know the whole story, Do you?
  1. Who's house was it in?

  2. scooty lenoir
    sooty lenoir

  3. Who was the smuggler?

  4. Block

  5. Who was making the lights?

  6. Barling
    Mr. Lenoir

  7. Where was the lights lighted from?

  8. The marsh
    A car
    The tower

  9. Where was Sooty's bedroom?

  10. The top of the house
    In the front of the house

  11. Who is Sarah?

  12. The friend of Mr. Lenoir
    The housekeeper
    A guest

  13. Is block realy deaf?

  14. No
    Don't know

  15. How did they get Timmy to town for exercise?

  16. Using the front door
    A secret passage
    Jump down

Selasa, 04 Maret 2008

The spelling bee

My score is 1597 and my grade is merlin the second highest.

Clipper Ships

The clipper ship is called clipper ship because it was considered fast and quickly, clip means fast and quick so it is called the clipper ship.

This is the original information:
Clipper, name applied to a ship to indicate that it is a very fast sailer. The term, probably derived from the verb clip (to move quickly), was first used in the United States soon after the War of 1812 and was applied to the type of vessel formerly described as Virginia built or of pilot boat construction. After the 1830s the term clipper was adopted to mean any fast ship.


Minggu, 02 Maret 2008

The GR.5 graph

This is the pictograph & piegraph.

The 100 people graphs

This is the three graphs

I learned three super hard words today

This is the first one

fallacious [fəˈleiʃəs] adjective

wrong, mistaken or showing false reasoning
Example: a fallacious argument


خَدّاع، مُضَلِّل

Chinese (Simplified):


Chinese (Traditional):



mylný, klamný


fejlagtig; falsk










irreführend, falsch






villandi; rangur, órökréttur










kļūdains; maldīgs; maldinošs




feil, villedende, uholdbar


błędny, złudny

Portuguese (Brazil):


Portuguese (Portugal):











erróneo, engañoso, falaz


bedräglig, falsk, vilseledande



And the second one is:

e·pis·te·mol·o·gy http://cache.lexico.com/g/d/premium.gif http://cache.lexico.com/g/d/speaker.gif (ĭ-pĭs'tə-mŏl'ə-jē) Pronunciation Key
n. The branch of philosophy that studies the nature of knowledge, its presuppositions and foundations, and its extent and validity.

[Greek epistēmē, knowledge (from epistasthai, epistē-, to understand : epi-, epi- + histasthai, middle voice of histanai, to place, determine; see stā- in Indo-European roots) + -logy.]

And the third one is:

yl·lo·gism http://cache.lexico.com/g/d/premium.gif http://cache.lexico.com/g/d/speaker.gif (sĭl'ə-jĭz'əm) Pronunciation Key

  1. Logic A form of deductive reasoning consisting of a major premise, a minor premise, and a conclusion; for example, All humans are mortal, the major premise, I am a human, the minor premise, therefore, I am mortal, the conclusion.
  2. Reasoning from the general to the specific; deduction.
  3. A subtle or specious piece of reasoning.

[Middle English
silogisme, from Old French, from Latin syllogismus, from Greek sullogismos, from sullogizesthai, to infer : sun-, syn- + logizesthai, to count, reckon (from logos, reason; see leg- in Indo-European roots).]

Kamis, 28 Februari 2008

Want to know your internet speed?

Mrs. Jane found this special website to record your internet speed CLICK HERE to go to the website in my house the result is 407 KBPS. What is yours?

Rabu, 27 Februari 2008

I won the stupid test

So I just right click then click forward then again and again in the game there are two parts gr.7 and gr.8 in gr.8 the buttons are smaller and it is harder but you have to agree that you are stupid when you win.

Senin, 25 Februari 2008

Learning the Famous Five

Learning the famous five novels is fun isn't it if you want to know more about just go here.

Minggu, 24 Februari 2008

Reflection about 25/2/08

Dear diary,
Today in the computer lab I made this Reflection and the others put a visitors map or put a calender and clock, and change the template. I alredy put a visitors map, calender and clock so I have to make this.

Geronimo Stilton Game

I found a cool game on the internet about geronimo stilton here is the link
but it is in a different language but I can still understand it.

Kamis, 21 Februari 2008

Scratch It

Famous Five Book Cover

This is My Book covers to get the bigger one
for the first one
for the second one

Selasa, 19 Februari 2008

Famous Five Chapter 17 summary

The three men were looking at George rowing the boat strongly. They past the big fishing smack and one of the people said “Ahoy there have you come from Kirrin Island” they didn’t answer then the men said it louder and they still didn’t answer and the men gave up.

So George kept rowing and they reached land. They pulled up the boat Timmy helped too he was so happy.

They went to Kirrin cottage in top speed they saw aunt fanny gardening, she was surprised; she thought they would come back tomorrow or the next day.

“What happened to dicks cheek” Aunt Fanny asked “Nothing much” dick answered. Then the others asked where’s Uncle Quentin then Aunt Fanny shouted “Quentin! Quentin! The child has something to tell us”.

Then Uncle Quentin showed up they Children told Uncle that the men doesn’t want to build a hotel on the island they bought the island because they know there is hidden treasure. The children tried hard to tell Uncle Quentin that it is all true that in the box he sold there is a map to find the gold Ingots he doesn’t believe it yet so the boys told the whole story from begening to end.

Then suddenly after Julians tale Uncle Quentin changed his mind about it. "You've been very clever," he said. "And very brave too. I'm proud of you. Yes, I'm very proud of you all. No wonder you didn't want me to sell the island, George, when you knew about the ingots! But why didn't you tell me?" The four children looked confused. Then Aunt Fanny answered for them that you scare the children so they wouldn’t get near you.

Then Uncle Quentin rang the police. The children ate biscuits and told all the details to Aunt Fanny.

They heard a bark from the garden it was Timmy then unexpectedly Aunt Fanny said fetch him we shall give him good dinner so George fetched Timmy.

A minute after that Uncle Quentin came he said “The police take a serious view of all this," he said, "and so does my lawyer. They all agree in thinking that you children have been remarkably clever and brave. And George— my lawyer says that the ingots definitely belong to us. Are there really a lot?” “There are hundreds shall we be rich now” George asked “Yes we shall we can get anything you want, what do you want?” “Timothy of course” answered George "Father! Tim is the thing I want most in the entire world," said George, squeezing her father's arm. "You can't think what a friend he was to us on the island— and he wanted to fly at those men and fight them. Oh, Father, I don't want any other present— I only want to keep Tim and have him here for my very own.

A few minutes later the police arrived with some Ingots one of them heard to the children’s story and wrote it in his notebook and the other one was talking to Uncle Quentin.

Minggu, 17 Februari 2008

My reflection about E-books

Reading an e-book is kind of hard because I can’t look at the screen too long because later my eyes will hurt. I like to read when I want t o sleep how would you bring a computer to bed? I need something little to read e-books with.